Goals and performance of energy consumption

The environmental team together with the electrical engineer team initiated the energy conservation project by establishing an environmental action plan in response to the organization’s environmental policy according to the management team’ s stipulated goals.

Energy conservation project

In 2020, UBIS started applying for ISO14001:2015 system certification. Therefore, the project was set up to change the street lamps from moonlight lamps to LED lamps.








Goals and performance of reducing air pollution emissions

UBIS has realized the importance of controlling air pollution that occurs in Thailand. In response to the government policy and in accordance with the laws, preparedness to create clean air back to the communities, therefore the wet scrubber air treatment technology has been applied in the factories continuously. The objective is to control the emission of ammonia contaminated air not to exceed TLV-TWA 50 ppm at Eff.90% passing legal standards..


Strategies, goals and performance of water management

UBIS has recognized the importance of water resource conservation, therefore initiated the water consumption reduction project. Emphases are placed on improving the process of washing production equipment, tools, preparing the environmental action plan, getting employees to take part in thinking and designing the methods to act like a driver towards the operations in tandem with being environmentally friendly. The goal is to reduce the use of water resources by 10% compared to the previous method. The performance is currently being monitored.

Sustainable water management framework

UBIS has promoted the conservation of water resources in all forms through the environmental management project under t he environmental management system. Apart from water consumption, wastewater quality control has also been emphasized by UBIS. In 2020, UBIS invested in the installation of Slit Saver to help optimize wastewater treatment for enhanced quality and reducing the treatment time as well.

Internal water management

The organization has campaigned to raise awareness among employees about the importance of water resource conservation. The management team is responsible for setting the goals to reduce water consumption at the organizational level so as to allow employees from all sectors to be involved in saving water resources.

External water management

UBIS has not only created awareness of water resource conservation in the organization, but has also communicated to partner companies, visitors, surrounding communities through public relations, policy on quality, the environment, occupational health and safety shown on UBIS’s website and through CSR for leading to Eco culture in the future.

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