Why are cans coated?

Why are cans coated? Introduction: Why are cans coated? There are many uses for coatings, and each one necessitates a particular type of coating. Safeguarding the food within. The food inside the cans is the primary reason we cover the cans. The coating prevents oxygen from entering the can, which…
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Enamel Lacquer

Enamel (enamel) Lacquer is a liquid whose main component is Oleoresinus resin or compounds of vinyl (vinyl) or epoxy or phenolic or polyester and solvent Prevents discoloration of food: Dissolved metal mixes with food. Prevent food discoloration. Prevents chemical reactions between metal and food. that may cause corrosion of the canister or the…
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Can Seam Scale

Can Seam Scale   The Can Seam Scale with English units on one side and metric units on the other, has several uses.Basically, it is a handy pocket ruler calibrated in thirty-seconds of an inch from zero to six inches, and in tenths of a centimeter (millimeters) from zero to 15.2…
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Sealants In the can making process, one of the most important components are the packaging ends which comes in various kinds depending on the packaging variety as well as type of packages (food, beverages or others). Most common ends in the industry includes: For Normal Ends, Easy Open Ends, Crown…
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Compound Application

Uses of Compounds It would not be possible to talk about sealing compounds in this booklet in a complete and detailed way. But because of the previous references, a few comments about how they should be used are in order. To make a hermetic seal, you need to choose the…
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Can Coatings

Can coatings Your Content Go Due to toxicological data, public debate, and recent regulatory rulings, alternatives to epoxy-based can coatings are now in use. Background information on the specifications, components, and characteristics of can coatings is provided in the FPF article. Why do cans have coatings? Food and beverage cans preserve…
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Sealing Compounds

Sealing Compounds Sealing compounds are sealants used in metal containers to prevent leaks along the seams. between the container and the lid If it’s a 3-piece can, rubber sealant will be used on both the bottom and top lids after packing food or goods into the container to prevent contamination…
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UBIS Internal Lacquer BPA NI Products and its uses

UBIS Internal Lacquer BPA NI Products and its uses Quality Internal Lacquer BPA NI Products from UBIS(ASIA) It is well known that lacquer is a key component in the canning industry’s manufacturing process. Lacquer, also known as enamel, is a liquid form of resin dissolved in a solvent, then, when coated on…
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The history of food can coatings

The History of Food Can Coatings The history of food can coatings dates back to the early 1800s, when the first food cans were made from tinplate, a type of steel coated with a thin layer of tin to prevent rust. These early cans were simple in design and lacked…
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